Kees Uljé Coprinus site

Coprinus schroeteri P. Karst. - (NL: Mestplooirokje, 026.95.0)

Coprinus schroeteri P. Karst. in Meddn Soc. Fl. Fauna fenn. 5: 20. 1879.
Coprinus longipes Buller in Fungi of Manitoba: 118. 1929.
Coprinus nudiceps P.D. Orton in Notes R. bot. Gdn Edinb. 32: 142. 1972.
Sel. icon. - Bender & Enderle in Z. Mykol. 54: oppposite page 48. 1988.
Sel. descr. & figs. - Bender & Enderle loc. cit.: 55; Uljé, Coprinus deel 1: 12. 1989; Uljé & Bas in Persoonia 13: 443. 1988.
Vern. name - Mestplooirokje.

[Copyright © by Schmidt-Stohn, Bender]

  Pileus 5-16 x 3-10 mm when still closed, 10-30 mm wide when expanded, first ellipsoid or ovoid, then expanding to convex, finally flattened, sulcate-striate up to centre, ochraceous brown, yellow-brown, greyish red-brown (Mu. 7.5 YR 4/4; 10 YR 1-8/1 as far as 5/1-2). Lamellae free, L = 24-36, l = 1-3, somewhat remote from stipe, white, grey-brown to blackish. Stipe up to 80 x 1-2 mm, white to yellowish or pale greyish brown.
  Spores 10.1-15.1 x 9.0-13.0 x 8.0-8.1 µm, Q = 1.05-1.30, av. Q = 1.10-1.20, av. L = 11.5-13.6 µm, av. B = 10.2-11.1 µm, rounded triangular, lentiform, with eccentric germ pore, with convex base and rounded apex, dark to very dark red-brown. Basidia 22-48 x 10-14 µm, 4-spored, surrounded by 4-7 pseudoparaphyses. Pleurocystidia 45-100 x 11-38 µm, subcylindric or utriform with 21-32 µm wide neck or rarely almost exclusively globose. Cheilocystidia 30-70 x 14-32 µm, if with neck then 11-23 µm wide, subcylindric, ellipsoid, (sub)globose, utriform or (sometimes) sublageniform. Pileipellis smooth, hymeniform, made up of spheropedunculate cells. Clamps-connections present.

Habitat & distribution

  On dung, also terrestrial. Solitary or a few together. Rare in the Netherlands. Wide-spread but also rare in Europe. Recorded and described from Manitoba (Canada?).


  Coprinus nudiceps differs from C. hercules in somewhat smaller and in particular narrower spores, larger basidiocarps, a larger number of lamellae and the preference for dung.

Copyright © by Kees Uljé
Edited for the Web with help from Marek Snowarski Fungi of Poland site